Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Budget night?? Is all the news out?

I remember, as a politically aware 20 something, listening to the "treasurer of the day", breathless waiting to see what changes were coming... that leaves me with a simple question, who will be waiting breathless to see what Frydo [ love that nickname ] has left to announce??

I also remember when a $1 million was a lot, but I saw someone saying $10 billion was less than 10% of the current figure spent on aged people and even less when spread over 10 years or was that 4 years - the leaks kept coming so listening tonight seems anticlimatic.

The jab discussion continues.... will they let me travel, will I ne one in the 250,000 who gets blood clots etc... well did you know 1 in 7 women will be afflicked with breast cancer [ apparently having the wrong breast implanta has a 1 in 250,000 chance of going wrong... against 1 in 7 chance of actually getting breast cancer?

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