Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Remove Google Plus With Care

After reading that google plus covered up a hack attack for 6 months I decided to delete my account before they did it - apparently they have given 1 year's notice... and I didn't read all the notices that started "if you do this then this will happen " and hidden in all that legalise was a warning that my blogspot identity would be removed - I ignored that because I have been blogging before Google Plus.

Well I deleted the G+ account [ having not looked at it in maybe 3 years ] and then I couldn't get into blogger as Google had changed my profile [ I registered with a gmail account ] and it was now Google Plus so all of a sudden I couldn't log in or post - it required some fancy foot work but is all OK now... I don't know why but Google punishes everyone when they get something wrong.... pricks!

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