Joanne left her reading glasses on EK06 London Heathrow to Dubai recently.
Immediately realising that she had left the glasses in the seat pocket, I approached the reception at the Business Lounge at Dubai airport. There was 2 hours between our landing and the flight to Perth.
However Emirates couldn't [or wouldn't] allow us to contact Lost and Found, and since they refused to communicate with us by email - "I was reprimanded by my boss last time I did that" the receptionist told us, and we have had NO contact from Emirates or their Perth contractor where we reported the loss on arrival in Perth.
Having flown Emirates a number of times, they have gone from being very responsive and "trying really hard" to a big uncaring bureaucratic monster.
If there are no hassles, everything is OK, but pity help you if something gores wrong.
Wayne R Mansfield Skywards Sliver EK 279 755 910
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