Remember at your seminar in Melbourne last year that I attended with my son William, I queried you about how you can allow Google to put ads into my blog.
Naturally I did that – not that I was expecting any revenue stream, but really only to keep up with the emerging technologies.
So to date I have earned $25.
But the real story (totally unrelated to the above) is the benefits of using Google Adwords.
The story is this: just last Friday a chap rang me from Bendigo – someone had placed one of my Google Adwords on the front page of the online newspaper “The Age” - and he saw it and clicked through. Since then we have had a few chats. Now I’m off to have lunch with him and his wife at their home as they like my strategies for investment properties and they have three older investments in Brisbane. They want me to help them re-fresh their portfolio. Very nice.
I presume that “the someone” is “The Age” itself. They must be using Google Adsense to make extra money. And Big Brother obviously knows that I am in Melbourne.
But I’m going to be very happy to pay “The Age” the 40 cents they earn from my $1.00 Google Adwords.

Thought you might be interested for your quiver of interesting stories.
Bernard Kelly
Get Bernards FREE report on Recurring Income
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