Friday, June 23, 2006

I Am Gr8ful Workshops

Dear Wayne,

I have been subscribing to your newsletter for months. I read each and every one. I love them. In fact, I love the style with which you write. I can feel the emotion in the words. They are always enjoyed... and little chuckle here and there really helps my moods... and my thinking! You recent newsletter about "Persistence" was exactly what I needed, at the right time. Thank you.

In fact, I find that whatever the subject, I'm in need of reading about it.
The Francis Bacon quote on each edition of your newsletter continues to inspire me... "If we are to achieve results never before accomplished, we must expect to employ methods never before attempted."

THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH for what you are offering, not only to me, but your other subscribes, and importantly your future subscribers... I really believe that the way you promote your seminars, through the newsletter, is ingenious and well considered... Congratulations on offering a 'sales piece' that actually provides REAL VALUE in the process...

Your business sounds GREAT and I'd love to participate in one or two of your events in the near future.

I'm also convinced that we'll be able to work together in the near future. I was booked into one in Brisbane - Blast into 2006 - but couldn't attend and my friend, Jenny Walters actually dropped in at the last minute... She was RAVING! And, I really wish I'd found the time and energy to get along to it!!!!!!!!!!

Please take a look at the attachment. and let me know what you think about "I Am Gr8ful Workshops" -- if you'd like more information - I would really appreciate the opportunity to send you the presentation about those.

In the meantime, this is what I'm thinking of doing. forwarding your newsletter; The Rare Sprit, to our clients. encouraging them to subscribe and head along to one of your seminars.

Overall, the attachment will help you to understand our business. as importers and distributors of products for the health and beauty industry - there's no doubt we are the most sophisticated player in the Australian market and we enjoy a fabulous reputation.

For example, there are over 300 beauty salons, destination resorts with spas, massage clients and day spas who offer Lithos Therapy as a treatment on their menu of services. and we've trained their therapists. The Lithos Therapists in Australia will deliver over 40,000 Lithos treatments to clients who will LOVE the experience this year in Australia.

Each of those clients run businesses. and each of those business owners and operators would do well to read your e-newsletter - and they'd also do well to participate in the seminars you offer.. There's no doubt that broadening your target market to include the small business people of Australia involved in health beauty salons and hair dressing salons and massage clinics, should increase the numbers of people on seats at your seminars.

I'd like to contribute to this outcome...

We're growing quickly in our markets abroad as well. and we've got our sights set on achieving some incredible goals. We'd love to help you and in the process request your help.

I really thank you for reading this email. and for taking a look at the attachments.

I am keen to hear from you.

Cheers, Kim

Ps: take a look at -- it's a film festival that we're sponsoring - at Noosa - at the end of June... We're passionate about being involved... because of the charity that is associated with the event... AND also because the organisers are GREAT friends of mine - they do AMAZING work... for the community, for the youth of Australia and for their regular clients who pop into their FUNKY café/gallery and enjoy a cup of coffee!

Kindest Regards
Kim Serafini
mobile: +61 404 878 457

Director - GR8FUL Pty Ltd

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